Easily identify which sources convert the most prospects. Evaluate and adjust your current spending to make sure your marketing dollars are being used wisely.
Use marketing workflow automations that have been tested by our digital marketing experts. They’re optimized specifically for the multifamily community.
With Marketing Strategy Hub, you’ll know which lead sources convert best throughout the lead-to-lease process. Evaluate and adjust, then optimize.
Based on your past data, we estimate how much revenue your properties can make from each lead source. Then you can confidently make better marketing decisions.
Automatically syndicate real-time property pricing to all major Internet Listing Services. Easily manage your profiles with the text integration, which lets you syndicate property information to publishing sites and directories.
Automate workflows
Identify top lead sources
Real-time ILS syndication
Make better marketing decisions
Entrata's Marketing Strategy Hub is a tool designed to streamline and optimize marketing efforts for property managers. It provides a centralized platform to manage various marketing tasks and offers valuable insights to improve overall strategy.
The Hub integrates with popular web marketing platforms, eliminating the need to switch between different tools. It offers valuable lead source data, allowing property managers to understand where their leads are coming from and tailor their marketing accordingly. Additionally, it provides marketing workflow automations, saving time and increasing efficiency.
By using the Marketing Strategy Hub, property managers can make informed decisions based on data-driven insights. This leads to more effective marketing campaigns, increased occupancy rates, and ultimately, greater success in attracting and retaining residents.
Save time and manage your properties with flexibility. Join thousands of other operators.