

Get mobile access to pricing and availability, community info, applications, and leasing. Everything syncs with your property management software.

Never miss out on quality prospects

Stop wasting time

Everything is accessible through the SiteTablet app. No more manual data entry or physically storing guest cards, applications, and leases.

Get leases signed quickly

Residents and prospects can sign leases right on your tablet with the LeaseExecution integration.

Mobilize leasing offices

Take your leasing office with you wherever you go! Give prospects tours and have them sign leases right then and there.

Take leasing everywhere

Entrata’s smart technology strengthens connections between on-site staff and residents. With the SiteTablet app, leasing agents can share floor plans, availability, photos, maps, and more with prospects.

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Level up your leasing office

Mobile agents

No more leasing binder

24-hour access

Paperless lease signing

Entrata's SiteTablet is a mobile property management tool that empowers leasing agents to transform any location into a mobile leasing office. With features like digital leasing, automated marketing, and applicant screening, SiteTablet streamlines the leasing process and enhances efficiency for property managers.

Imagine having the ability to finalize leases, capture applicant information, and market available units directly from your tablet. SiteTablet eliminates the need for manual data entry and enables swift document signing, significantly reducing the time required to secure a new resident. This not only improves productivity but also elevates the overall resident experience.

Furthermore, SiteTablet seamlessly integrates with Entrata's comprehensive suite of property management solutions, providing a centralized platform for managing all aspects of your property operations. From accounting and reporting to resident communication and maintenance requests, Entrata offers a robust toolkit to optimize performance and drive success.

An award-winning platform for property owners and operators

Experience the new standard

Save time and manage your properties with flexibility. Join thousands of other operators.