Widgets are Wonderful

Widgets? That’s right. Widgets aren’t just for smartphones. These handy, interchangeable tools can help you create a dynamic and highly functional homepage for your property or company website. Widgets are a simple way to add or edit stand-alone information on your website, often with a single click. Here’s how it works:

Depending on the ProspectPortal design theme your property selects, you’ll have anywhere from two to seven slots for interchangeable widgets. These spaces have the flexibility to accommodate the tools that are most relevant to your online audience. That means you choose which forms, images, and information your visitors see first, and you can update and change widgets at a moment’s notice.

The selection of interchangeable widgets for property websites is fairly comprehensive, including some of the most desired navigation items and calls to action. And we’re constantly developing more. Right now you can choose between widgets like:

  • Check Availability — See available units in real time. Specials — Customize content and images for property promotions.
  • Resident Login — Provide easy access to your ResidentPortal.
  • Gallery — View property images from your homepage.
  • Testimonials — Share resident raves.
  • Amenities — List community and unit perks.
  • Social Networking Feeds — Invite visitors to connect on Facebook, Twitter, etc.
  • About Us — Share important property information.
  • Map — Make it easy for visitors to find your property.
  • Floor Plans — Show a summary of available unit floor plans.
  • Apply Now — Direct visitors to an interactive online lease application.

Additional widgets are available for corporate websites, including:

  • Apartment Search — Offer easy searchability with maps or drop-down lists.
  • Featured Properties — Show off your portfolio’s superstars.
  • Company News — Share your latest success stories.

With a wide selection of interchangeable tools, you can precisely control functionality to make your website a highly effective leasing machine. And not only are you saving dollars, you’re saving labor. Most widgets are able to pull information directly from the Property Solutions Admin system so that you don’t need to worry about updating them separately. Add a photo to your website and the gallery widget gets it, too. Update your website amenities page and the amenities widget automatically adjusts. Many widgets let you edit the text and image content displayed, but if you’re in a hurry you can simply turn them on as-is. The default content of each widget has been thoughtfully created to boost your website’s SEO and improve its design.

The ease and flexibility of widgets lets you make the changes that work for your property right now. All leased up? Move your resident login and social media feeds into the prime real-estate on your homepage. Looking to promote your brand? Give the Specials and Testimonials widgets top billing. You can do it all instantly, and it doesn’t cost a penny.

Our design themes are the most functional in the industry. And widgets take your ProspectPortal website to a whole new level. Many of the options in our design theme gallery not only let you customize functionally with widgets, but also customize font and background colors to reflect your property’s brand. Rest assured, when we design websites, there’s not a cookie-cutter in sight.

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