Greystar®: Changing the Status Quo in Digital Marketing

Last year at the annual Apartment Internet Marketing (AIM) conference, unbeknownst to attendees, a random sample of 25 attending firms were provided to a leading SEO expert for an audit of basic SEO tactics. And at the end of the day only one firm passed the basic training standards established by the auditor. Twelve months later, how much has changed?

“We’ve all heard that our industry lags behind in digital marketing,” said Andrew Halverson, digital marketing manager at Greystar®. Despite the challenges facing property managers in online marketing, the constantly changing landscape of search engines and fast-evolving online consumer behaviors, companies like Greystar are setting new standards for themselves and, consequently, the multifamily industry.

How are they doing it? This year at AIM, Halverson will be pulling back the curtain on the company’s strategies by participating in a highly-interactive panel discussion and live audit of the SEO performance of one of Greystar’s properties. Halverson will join Steve Taraborelli of Acperion LLC and Property Solutions’ own director of SEO, Veronica Romney for the session which will include an audit boot-camp followed by a lab in which attendees can conduct live audits on their own properties.

“At Greystar we aren’t just striving to be one of the best digital marketers in the multifamily industry but one of the top digital marketers in the advertising field,” said Halverson. While he acknowledges that there’s still a way to go, Halverson’s goal is one we can get behind 100 percent. “Through continuous improvement we have a track record of generating increased value for our clients and residents.”

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