Check Scanning Choices

We like having choices: Paper or Plastic? Vanilla or Chocolate? Credit or Debit? The ability to select an option that fits our own specific needs is as American as apple pie…or cherry cheesecake. As Entrata works with property management companies all over the country, we’ve discovered that an ideal Check Scanning solution for one client may not be a perfect fit for another. So we give you a choice:

Our flagship check scanning product, ResidentPay, is a simple solution that makes it possible for you to process payments made by check or money order right in your office. No more trips to the bank! Payments are processed electronically and automatically integrated with your property management software, saving you both time and money. With this easy-to-use interface, you simply scan your checks and confirm and process each one in a single step.

Recently, Entrata introduced a new option, ResidentPay. The new interface offers the same benefits of on-site payment processing and integration, but adds batch processing capabilities that lets you confirm and associate multiple payments, then process them all at once. The time you can save using Slim is particularly helpful if your property still gets stacks of checks and money orders at rent time.

Entrata ResidentPay supports several digital check scanners, including Digital Check models TS-215, TS-230, and TS-240, the Magtek Excella, and Panini MyVisionX and Vision X. Ready to choose? Request a demo or call Entrata at 877-826-9700 today.

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